Josh Hamilton won over baseball on a summer night in the Bronx four
years ago, putting on an unbelievable show of power in the home run
derby at old Yankee Stadium.On Tuesday night in Baltimore, the Texas Rangers star captivated all of
baseball with his home run prowess again — this time during a
regular-season game — swatting four homers off Orioles pitchers in a 10-3 win at Camden Yards.
We make big deals about perfect games, but 21 pitchers have recorded
one throughout baseball history. Only 15 other players have hit four
home runs in the same game with the last one before Hamilton being
Carlos Delgado on Sept. 25, 2003. No one has ever hit five home runs in a
single game.
A few other facts about Hamilton's four-homer effort:
• Hamilton went 5-for-5 on the night with eight RBIs and collected an
American League-record 18 total bases. If you count the homer he hit in
the ninth inning of Monday's game, he has five home runs in his last
six at-bats (and a total of 14 on the season).
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