Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day 2012: How You Can Help Save Our Planet's Resources

It's the Earth's Day today, but it's our moment to look around, breathe our air in a little deeper and hug our trees a little tighter.
It's a day for us to appreciate the unbelievable resources we have and to pledge to do our best to protect the incredible offerings that nature unfailingly provides us.
What will you do to celebrate Earth Day?
Consider partaking in one (or all!) of the five nature-centric activities below that will give you the opportunity to thank the Earth for all that she gives us.
Have a Picnic
To celebrate the Earth's "deliciousness," The Nature Conservancy, an international conservation nonprofit, is hosting the largest picnic ever by setting up "Picnics for the Planet" events throughout the world.
Plant a Tree
Help Green World Campaign restore indigenous ecologies and lessen the climate crisis in environmentally-damaged locations, by planting trees in the communities that desperately need them.
Pledge an Act of Green
The Earth Day Network is encouraging its supporters to pledge 1 billion acts of green. Whether your plan is to plant a tree, clean up a park or commit to another noble green act, let the world know!
 Teach About the Earth
Determined to educate the next generation about the importance of protecting the Earth, The Water Planet Challenge gives educators and leaders the tools they need to teach, specifically, about water conservation and gives grants to educators who want to keep inspiring their students long after Earth Day.
Roll up your sleeves and join Earth-enthusiasts determined to save the planet, by getting involved with an environmental nonprofit in your area.


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